****श्री नारायण चेरिटेबल ट्रस्ट, चिराना***** मूल्य-आधारित आधुनिक शिक्षा के सिद्धान्तों के अनुसार तकनीकी रूप से सक्षम विद्यार्थी समाज को देना, उद्योग जगत द्वारा आपेक्षित चुनौतियों को स्वीकार करना, व उद्योग एवं समाज को आधुनिक तकनीकी सेवाएं प्रदान करना ही हमारा ध्येय है॥



The staff and students of the Polytechnic are members of the library and hence are entitled to borrow books. The library is open on all working days from 9-30 a.m. to 5-00 p.m. Open access system is being followed in the library. Books can be borrowed by students as specified below:
A student can borrow books at a time and can keep it for 2 weeks. A fine of 50 paise per day will be collected at the expiry of the due date.
A book may be renewed for a further period of 2 weeks provided no other reader has asked for the same book in the meantime and not more than two consecutive renewals of the same book can be made.
Students shall leave their books outside when they go into the library to borrow books. Members borrowing books should sign in the issue register. Students should verify the books, pagewise before leaving the counter and if there is any page missing they should immediately bring it to the notice of the Librarian, failing which cost of the book will be recovered as per rules.
Students shall not write, damage or make any marks on any library book and they are responsible for any damage done to the books and are required to replace such books or to pay the value thereof.
Periodicals and reference books will not be sent out. They should be referred in the respective sections where they are available during lunch intervel.
Free internet access is available to the students.
1. Administration
The hostel is under the control of the Prinicipal of the Polytechnic who is the warden of the hostel and is assisted by a Deputy Warden, appointed by the Director of Technical Education,Chennai on the recommendation of the Principal. There shall also be a Resident Tutor who will be appointed by the Warden.
2. Admission
Application for admission shall be made in the prescribed form which can be had at the hostel office.
Admission shall be made on the basis of merits of each application and no reason will be assigned for rejection of the application.
3. Fees, Caution Deposits, etc.
The following fee shall be paid by student .at the time of admission into the hostel:
(a)Admission fee

(b)Mess advance

(c)Room rent & Electricity Charges


The mess advance will be returned at the close of the year, less deduction if any when membership of the hostel ceases.
Under the auspices of the Students' Association students take part in various extra-curricular activities. Eminent speakers are invited on special occasions. Students participate in inter-Collegiate competitions also. Professional activities are also carried out.
Games is compulsory. "Inter Polytechnic Atheletic Association Iports" meet is held once in a year. Annual sports is also conducted.